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New Microsoft-led Dynamics CRM Training events – November/December 2015

New Microsoft-led Dynamics CRM Training events – November/December 2015

With the release of Dynamics CRM 2016 getting closer, several interesting Microsoft-led Dynamics CRM training opportunities have been announced for November and December 2015. The most exciting ones are probably the new Microsoft Dynamics Marketing training sessions, available for the first time this November.

Upcoming training events include:

– Virtual training on MDM (Microsoft Dynamics Marketing)
– Functional Application in Microsoft Dynamics Marketing
– Unified Service Desk for Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Virtual training on MDM (Microsoft Dynamics Marketing) – November 9th – 12th

Great news for Dynamics CRM consultants! Virtual training on Microsoft Dynamics Marketing (MDM) for presales is now available and open for registration. This is a Microsoft-led training course.

The course’s total duration is twelve hours: it consists of four virtual sessions over four days, each three hours long.


– Introduction to Integrated Marketing Management
– Starting to work with MDM
– Marketing project management
– Multi-channel marketing
– Leads and CRM to MDM connection
– Integrations
– MDM compete

This course will include hands-on learning and follow-up sessions where you will be given the opportunity to ask questions.


This is a virtual training course – access information will be provided before the course starts.

The dates are November 9th to November 12th. The training is offered at two different times:

7:00am – 10:00am PST (3:00pm – 6:00pm GMT)
7:00pm – 10:00pm PST (3:00am – 6:00am GMT)

To see the detailed agenda and to register for one of these sessions, click the corresponding link. Please hurry as these sessions are sure to be very popular.


$700.00 USD

Functional Application in Microsoft Dynamics Marketing – November 24th – 26th

This Microsoft-led virtual training course is designed to provide a basic understanding of Microsoft Dynamics Marketing (MDM) and its features. It will introduce you to MDM’s five main sections and show you how to integrate each of these sections into one-another.


– Module 1: Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics Marketing
– Module 2: Getting Started with Microsoft Dynamics Marketing
– Module 3: Lead Management and Landing Pages
– Module 4: Email Marketing and Social Media Outreach
– Module 5: Marketing Campaign Automation
– Module 6: Marketing Reports and Analytics
– Module 7: Marketing Project Management
– Module 8: Managing Marketing Finances
– Module 9: The Microsoft Dynamics Marketing and CRM Connector
– Module 10: Setting up a Deployment for Success

A detailed agenda is available here.


This is a virtual training course – access information will be provided before the course starts.

Date: November 24th to November 26th 2015
Time: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm IST (8:00am to 11:00 am GMT)

Register here


$700.00 USD

Unified Service Desk for Microsoft Dynamics CRM – November 23rd – December 3rd

This is a Microsoft-led 5 days’ virtual training course aimed at CRM architects, developers and advanced functional consultants who already know how to customise Microsoft Dynamics CRM and are looking to learn how to use Unified Service Desk for Contact Centre agents. This course will teach how to create a complete agent experience using the new CRM Unified Service Desk’s configuration system, and how to provide custom functionality to the platform.

Hands-on labs will enable attendees to practice what they have learnt.  ​


This training course will teach the following skills:

– Understand how to configure built-in components;
– Understand how to configure interactions between components;
– Understand how to manipulate CRM screens with USD hooks;
– Understand how to utilize the USD debugging tools;
– Understand how to perform advanced functions such as caching, styling, and on the fly translation with Azure Translator;
– Understand how to customize the layout of the application;
– Understand how to extend the application with panels, layouts, CTI adapters, and USD hosted controls.

A detailed agenda is available here.


Individuals must have knowledge of the following elements in order to follow this training:

  • Intermediate C# skills
  • Basic Javascript and CRM Client SDK knowledge
  • Understanding of Visual Studio
  • Basic XAML understanding is helpful

During the labs, students should have a suitable laptop with appropriate software:

  • .NET Framework 4.5.2
  • Visual Studio 2013
  • Dynamics CRM Online, a trial is sufficient
  • Sample data enabled


Date: November 23rd to December 3rd, 2015 Monday – Thursday ONLY
Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm IST (3:30am – 6:30am GMT)

Register here


$700.00 USD

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