We are fundraising!
OK, the news is out!
So we can expand and improve our services, 365 Talent Portal is now raising funds ……but not in a traditional way with VCs and angels.
What do we mean?
As we are disrupting the training and recruitment market, we are known for doing things differently. We are focussing on the talent – the people and nurturing their skills – not just placing them in jobs. Now we are also different in the way we plan to grow the company too! We don’t just want to attract money, we want to attract clever money!
It’s the people and knowledge behind the money that matter more to us. Rather than getting corporate investors on board (most of whom don’t understand our market so can’t offer the best connections and advice), we want instead to involve our member community to build a strong brand, with fantastic brand ambassadors.
We’ve grown very fast over the last 2 years: with 2000+ members in 101 countries, some great customers and a number of recruitment and training initiatives with Microsoft. Now we need to move to the next level of expanding our members and customer base in all key geographies, as well as enhancing our services.
So who are these ‘clever money’ investors?
The obvious answer is that we work with them on a daily basis!
These are our members (the consultants and customers) and our extended network.
These are the people who know the pains we are trying to solve and the value we bring.
These are the people who know how, and tell us how, we can improve our offering and can help us with their advice and contacts.
These are the people that can guide us and become shareholders of the company.
If you feel you are also one of these people and want to get involved more, please get in touch with us or find out more information here.
About us: 365 Talent Portal is the first online platform that gives Dynamics partners and end-users instant access to hundreds of consultants. With a network spanning 101 countries, it allows companies to search for consultants based on their skills, rates and available dates, enabling them to find the best person for their projects without incurring the hefty fees typical of recruitment agencies. Register here –365talentportal.com.